Thursday 25 July 2013

Phantom shirt, kangaroos, and the map update!

Hey Jammers! So now, the new clothes!
 The Phantom shirt! Also you can get it from diamond shop a,

 Kangaroos! and one more, the map update!
 The map now is look like a 3D! cool! So anyway, bye!

Stack of shelf and tiny shelf

Hi Jammers! So, today, the new items are:

Cool! I love the tiny shelf! So, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Friday 19 July 2013

Wide shelf, friendship bracelet, tall shelf

Hi Jammers! now, i'm updating my blog again! So anyway the new items are:
the Wide shelf! it cost 300 gems to buy! and, the new clothes:
Friendship bracelet! AJHQ is creative! So, anyway, another new item!
The tall shelf! it's so tall! tall but small, or tall and big? i don't know cuz im a non member, so you decide, members if you have that! And, so, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!


small corner shelf, rare item Monday, Gold ring

Hey Jammers! So, today  the new items are:
 The small corner shelf! when it used, it will be, small! right? and the rare item Monday:
Rare baseball cap! the colour is almost same like the anchor ball cap! then,

The gold ring! it's the same like the silver ring, but, this one is colored gold. maybe, AJHQ will add, bronze ring? So, anyway, bye!

Thank you!

Friday 12 July 2013

Silver ring

Hey Jammers! today, the new clothes in epic wonders is:
The silver ring! it's cool, right? Yep! it's too awsome. so, anyway, bye!

thank you!

Paw print vase and skinny paw print vase

Hey Jammers! today, the returning item are:
Wow! a skinny paw print vase! it is tall! and..
The Paw Print vase! So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!


Thursday 11 July 2013

Rare kelp skirt

Hey Jammers! Today, the rare item monday is (sorry im late again! :P):
Rare Kelp skirt! Wow! the rare kelp shirt is used in underwater. only. So, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Sunday 7 July 2013

Epic star hat

Hey jammers! today, the new clothes in summer carnival:
The Epic star hat! Well the star hat is funny, but, idk! So, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Saturday 6 July 2013

Freedom snake plushies

Hi Jammers! Today, introducing, the new plushies at summer carnival shop!
Wow! the new freedom plushie is snake plushies! So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Freedom dragon mask, Epic sun hat, Epic moon hat

Hey Jammers! im sorry im late again! oops :P so, anyway, the freedom dragon mask!

Hmm.. cool! it cost 350 gems to buy! and, Epic sun hat!
 It is so big! that's why called Epic sun hat! you can get it at summer carnival. and Epic moon hat!
it is big too! that's why called Epic moon hat. you can get it at summer carnival too! so anyway, Bye! 

Thank you!

Rare item monday and freedom bunny plushies

Hi jammers! im sorry im late to post, because im go to school! and the rare item monday,

 I'm sorry it's so small, well you can get it at Epic wonders! and, the freedom bunny plushies,
 Wow! At the summer carnival shop! So, anyway, bye!

Thank you!

Sunday 30 June 2013

Freedom puppy plushie and fireworks shop

Hey jammers! Today, i want to show you that i see 2-freedom-puppy-plushie-at the summer carnival shop:

Wow! a new! And i've visited the freedom party! the fireworks shop:
wow! a wolf firework, giraffe fireworks, bunny firework, globe firework, star firework, and paw firework! So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Saturday 29 June 2013

Freedom astronout helmet

Hey jammers! so Today, i want to show you, the freedom astronout helmet!
Wow! it cost 450 gems to buy! So anyway bye!

Thank you!

Friday 28 June 2013

Freedom day

Hello Jammers! Today, the Freedom day has arrives!
at the summer carnival, Freedom plushie store:
 And, the Freedom party!( i can't start the party)
 Also, at the jamma journal!

 Wow! AJHQ say 'enjoy the fireworks!' Pom pom... i can't wait! So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Freedom Panda hat

Hey Jammers! Today, the new clothes is:
The Freedom Panda Hat! It cost 500 gems to buy! So anyway, Bye!

Thank You!

Tuesday 25 June 2013

Freedom cat hat

Hey Jammers! Today the new clothes is:
The Freedom cat hat! It cost 400 gems to buy. So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Monday 24 June 2013

Rare army helmet

Hey Jammers! Today, the rare item Monday is:
The rare army helmet! It cost 900 gems to buy. so anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Freedom bunny hat

Hey Jammers! Today, the new clothes is:                                                                           

The Freedom bunny hat! It cost 500 gems to buy. So, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Saturday 22 June 2013

Yay! She is coming home!

Hey Jammers! Today, my cat, MIttens. She is lost, but now, she is coming home!

Green painted pot return

Hey Jammers! Today, the returning item is:
 The Green painted Pot! It cost 250 gems to buy! So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Friday 21 June 2013

Red painted pot

Hey Jammers! Today, returning item is:
 Red painted Pot! It cost 250 gems. So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!


Hey Jammers! today new items is the phoenix items set!

Wow! Cool! I want to wear it :P So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Returning items

Hey Jammers! Today, there are 3 returning items! There are:
 Wow! cool! Beta returning items! So anyway, bye!

thank you!

Wednesday 19 June 2013


Hey Jammers! today, a beta computer was returning!
Wow! AJHQ are bring back the beta! (or not too)
So anyway, that all for now!

Thank you!

Tuesday 18 June 2013

Bird Feeder

Hey Jammers! Today i want to show you, a Bird feeder! Here is the Pic:
 Yeah! it's new! It's cost 250 gems to buy! yeah, so anyway bye!

Thank you!

Adventures are coming TODAY!

Hey Jammers! Today, the REALLY BIG UPDATE! Its an Adventure. Today! Wow! Yeah, well i can't play AJ cause they're offline. Me try again - again - again. And again. Well, i can't wait for the adventure. maybe, Its really fun! I can't wait to play AJ again! :P So anyway, bye!

Thank you

Kangaroo card

Hey Jammers! So, i want to show you, a Kangaroo card. Here it is:
Wow! It's cost 15.95 dollar! Well, any way bye!

Thank you

Rare item Monday

Hey Jammers! today rare item Monday:
A Rare Sofa! Its cost 900 gems. So anyway, bye!

Thank you!

Sunday 16 June 2013

Oh no! i can't play animal jam!

Hey Jammers! Today i want to tell you, about my AJ account. Yesterday, I can't play it! I've write  my account, but after i log in, it said "server not found".  So, i have to create account, and create account? Boring! But, today maybe i can play animal jam now. so that's all for now.

thx and Play wild!

My cat

Hey Jammers! so, i want to show you my cat! Here it is:
See? Up there. My kitten, Mittens. That is my budten (buddy kitten) she is lost

Seaweed hair and kangaroos

Hey Jammers! So now, i forgot to add a new clothes. Here it is:
 Yeah, you see? A seaweed hair! And a news... its Kangaroos! wow! Here is the Pics:

You see.. the two Kangaroos  is Mister Wonkybuddy! The card is in Australia.

Saturday 15 June 2013


Hey jammers! so today, i want to show you some Glitches! So, here it is:

 Im in the summer carnival but at the Kani cove? Weird!