Tuesday, 11 March 2014

Back 2 blogging

Hey guys! Smartgirl2439 here and im back 2 blogging. sorry 4 a long, long, long, long, long, long, and long day for not posting. Cause my gadgets or umm what i want to say huh? hmm.. well, gadgets and idk what to say are ERASED. so, cause a long, long, long, long, long, long, and long day im not posting, even i have the gadgets back, but i still lazy :3. Ok, that's all i want 2 say, bye!


Thursday, 25 July 2013

Phantom shirt, kangaroos, and the map update!

Hey Jammers! So now, the new clothes!
 The Phantom shirt! Also you can get it from diamond shop a,

 Kangaroos! and one more, the map update!
 The map now is look like a 3D! cool! So anyway, bye!

Stack of shelf and tiny shelf

Hi Jammers! So, today, the new items are:

Cool! I love the tiny shelf! So, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!

Friday, 19 July 2013

Wide shelf, friendship bracelet, tall shelf

Hi Jammers! now, i'm updating my blog again! So anyway the new items are:
the Wide shelf! it cost 300 gems to buy! and, the new clothes:
Friendship bracelet! AJHQ is creative! So, anyway, another new item!
The tall shelf! it's so tall! tall but small, or tall and big? i don't know cuz im a non member, so you decide, members if you have that! And, so, anyway, Bye!

Thank you!


small corner shelf, rare item Monday, Gold ring

Hey Jammers! So, today  the new items are:
 The small corner shelf! when it used, it will be, small! right? and the rare item Monday:
Rare baseball cap! the colour is almost same like the anchor ball cap! then,

The gold ring! it's the same like the silver ring, but, this one is colored gold. maybe, AJHQ will add, bronze ring? So, anyway, bye!

Thank you!

Friday, 12 July 2013

Silver ring

Hey Jammers! today, the new clothes in epic wonders is:
The silver ring! it's cool, right? Yep! it's too awsome. so, anyway, bye!

thank you!

Paw print vase and skinny paw print vase

Hey Jammers! today, the returning item are:
Wow! a skinny paw print vase! it is tall! and..
The Paw Print vase! So anyway, Bye!

Thank you!